1. Uranus has the coldest planetary atmosphere in the Solar System, with a minimum temperature of -371.56 °F (−224 °C).
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  2. In 2009, snipers were deployed in Australia to protect a colony of little penguins from predators.
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  3. Octopus wrestling was a popular sport in the 1960s. A diver would fight an octopus in shallow water and drag it to the surface.
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  4. Scientists want to introduce global warming on Mars to make life habitable for colonization.
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  5. The last surviving Civil War widow didn't pass away until 2008. She married an 86-year-old veteran when she was only 19.
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  6. Anne Frank is on YouTube. She was captured on film while leaning out of her window to get a good look of a wedding.
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  7. After 9/11, the Maasai tribe of Kenya gave 14 of their most important cattle to America as aid.
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  8. Being hit by lightning causes weird skin designs called "Lichtenberg figures."
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  9. The weird bright dots you see floating when you look at the sky are your white blood cells.
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  10. A man can be arrested in Italy for wearing a skirt in public.
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  11. There is a gypsy tribe in India that celebrates death as one of the happiest events in their lives, while treating births with great grief.
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  12. If New York City were its own country and the NYPD was its army, it would be the 20-best-funded army in the world.
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  13. The youngest king ever was Alfonso XIII of Spain, who became king the day he was born.
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  14. During a visit to Egypt in 2012, Hillary Clinton was pelted with tomatoes and shoes, while the protesters chanted "Monica, Monica".
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  15. Almost a third of the world's languages are spoken only in Africa.
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  16. A koi fish named "Hanako" lived for 225 years.
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  17. Antarctica is almost 1.5 times the size of the U.S.
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  18. There were over 10 million koalas before British settlers arrived in Australia. Now, there are around 43,000 in the wild.
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  19. Cats can dream. They produce the same brain wave patterns that we do when we dream.
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  20. The company that created Zyklon B, the gas that was used to kill millions of Jews in the Holocaust, still exists as a pest control company.
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  21. During WW2, the Japanese invaded Alaska, and more Americans were killed or wounded defending Alaska than at Pearl Harbor.
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  22. 20% of the Earth's oxygen is produced by the Amazon rainforest.
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  23. Abraham Lincoln practiced law without a degree. He had less than 12 months of formal schooling.
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  24. Ikea names sofas, coffee tables and bookshelves after places in Sweden; beds, wardrobes and hall furniture after places in Norway; carpets after places in Denmark and dining tables and chairs after places in Finland.
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  25. People drink more slowly when alcohol is served in straight-sided glasses than when it's served in glasses with curved sides, a research found.
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  26. 789 grams of 2,700-year-old marijuana were found in a Chinese tomb in 2008.
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  27. California has built 23 prisons since 1980. In the same period, the University of California system has opened just one new campus.
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  28. Alcohol is prohibited in the UK Parliament with one exception: the chancellor can drink while delivering the annual budget statement.
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  29. In 2008, wine started flowing through taps in dozens of homes during a grape festival in Italy due to a technical error.
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  30. 37%
    of Americans think global warming is a hoax.
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