1. 35%
    of the world's population drives on the left side of the road.
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  2. It is estimated that 1% of society are psychopaths.
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  3. Lead was used as an artificial sweetener in Ancient Rome.
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  4. Some monkeys and apes can recognize when a situation is unfair.
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  5. When you sneeze, you release an invisible gas cloud along with mucus.
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  6. The terms "UK" and "Great Britain" are not interchangeable: the United Kingdom includes Northern Ireland, while Great Britain does not.
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  7. The cost to construct a new Golden Gate Bridge today would be approximately US$1.2 billion.
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  8. Chocolate is the only edible substance to melt around 93° F, just below human body temperature. That's why chocolate melts in your mouth.
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  9. There are at least 5,000 people in the U.S. who identify themselves as real vampires, a survey found.
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  10. Emotional tears contain leucine enkephalin, a natural painkiller.
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  11. James Holmes, the perpetrator of the Colorado movie theater mass shooting in 2012, was sentenced to 3,318 years in prison.
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  12. In the U.S., as much as 40% of produce grown is never sold or eaten because it is too ugly.
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  13. The world record for the longest accurate shot in archery is 230 yards and is held by Matt Stutzman, a man born without arms.
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  14. In 2015, a man legally named 'Santa Claus' was elected to city council in North Pole, Alaska.
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  15. The act of vomiting spreads about 13,000 aerosolized virus particles—it takes as few as 20 particles to make a person sick.
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  16. Fauja Singh, the world's oldest runner, was the first 100-year-old to finish a marathon.
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  17. Shorter women have shorter pregnancies, a study found.
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  18. More than 780 million adults around the world cannot read or write.
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  19. In 2014, 24 female babies in the Unites States were named "Goddess."
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  20. Around 42% of Americans play video games regularly.
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  21. November 28, 2012 was the most peaceful day New York City ever had—not a single violent crime was reported.
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  22. In Norway , "Texas" is slang for "crazy."
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  23. The longest baguette in the world is 400 feet long and took 60 bakers and seven hours to make.
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  24. In the 90s, the average American supermarket had 9,000 products. Today, there are around 40,000.
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  25. It is estimated that about 600,000 people die in China each year from issues related to overwork.
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  26. An employee spends an average of 1.5 to 3 hours a day on private activities at work.
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  27. We consume about 74 gigabytes -- nine DVDs worth -- of data every day.
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  28. In 2015, Astronaut Chris Hadfield released the first album of songs recorded entirely in space.
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  29. White people consume 60-80% of all rap music in the U.S.
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  30. The U.S. didn't install the 911 emergency number until 1968.
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