1. Polish midwife Stanislawa Leszczynska helped pregnant women in Auschwitz deliver over 3,000 babies.
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  2. Neil Armstrong claims he said "one small step for *A* man" when he set foot on the moon and that audio analysis of the recording backs that up and it's been misquoted this entire time.
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  3. During WW2, Allied forces sunk 3 ships carrying concentration camp survivors by accident, killing almost 10,000 survivors.
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  4. The words 'idiot,' 'imbecile,' and 'moron' were originally medical categories for intellectual disability.
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  5. There has never been snakes in Ireland because being cold-blooded, snake couldn't survive the frozen ground during the ice age in the past.
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  6. In Germany, there's a specific word for analyzing and learning to live with the past, in particular the Holocaust: "Vergangenheitsbewaltigung."
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  7. President Obama has read every Harry Potter book.
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  8. Google owns many domains
    to cover mistypes
    such as: Gooogle, Gogle,
    Googel, and even 466453.
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  9. The youngest recorded suicide at the Golden Gate Bridge was a 5-year-old girl called Marilyn Demont.
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  10. McLaren F1's engines are built with gold.
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  11. The evidence linking humans and global warming is as strong as the link between smoking and lung cancer, according to the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
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  12. Up until 2008, the Santa Barbara Zoo had a giraffe named Gemina that had a permanent 90-degree bend in her neck caused by fused vertebrae.
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  13. In three decades, the world's oceans will contain more discarded plastic than fish when measured by weight, researchers say.
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  14. Only around 1% to 5% of marijuana users end up developing psychosis.
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  15. Finland has more heavy metal bands per capita than any other country in the world.
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  16. The Simpsons crew sent flowers to South Park studios when they parodied Family Guy.
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  17. There's a laser procedure to change one's eye color from brown to blue, as blue eyes exist under all brown eyes.
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  18. Understanding English actually hurts professional players of English scrabble. Some of the world's best Scrabble players are Thai and can't speak English.
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  19. Bob Dylan didn't speak to anyone for a week after Elvis Presley died.
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  20. Cats, from lions and tigers right down to domestic felines, cannot taste anything sweet.
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  21. Elephants know to come to humans for help (like if they've been poisoned) and can find us even over long distances.
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  22. Inscribed pottery from the Middle Kingdom of Ancient Egypt list 3 human genders. The reason is uncertain.
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  23. The 1556 Shaanxi earthquake in China was the deadliest earthquake on record with 830,000 deaths.
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  24. A 2-headed dolphin was discovered on a beach in Turkey in 2014.
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  25. Dogs have only recently been able to watch TV, since they need about 70 images per second, which older TVs couldn't deliver.
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  26. Dinosaurs are not, technically, extinct, since birds are considered by science as a type of dinosaur.
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  27. "Sahara" means "desert"
    in Arabic
    so the "Sahara Desert"
    is the "Desert Desert."
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  28. Belarus is the last UN member country in Europe that still uses the death penalty. Convicts are shot with a pistol.
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  29. Penis enhancement surgery is free in Cuba.
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  30. It has been estimated it would take 70 cups of coffee to kill a 154-pound (70 kg) person.
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