1. A cat's brain can store 1,000 times more data than an iPad.
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  2. During Bill Clinton's entire eight-year presidency he only sent two emails.
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  3. There are more plastic flamingos in the U.S. than real flamingos.
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  4. Syngenesophobia is the fear of relatives.
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  5. In 2015, engineering students in China worked out how to control live cockroaches using a brain-to-brain interface technique.
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  6. Disney owns 80% of ESPN.
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  7. The first movie in color was made already in 1901.
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  8. Arthur Guinness, founder of Guinness Brewery, had 21 children with just one wife.
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  9. More than 1,100 people have been diagnosed with cancer as a result of "exposure to toxins at Ground Zero" from 9/11.
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  10. In zero gravity, a candle's flame is round and blue.
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  11. A group of frogs is called an army.
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  12. In the 19th Century, streets, sidewalks and buildings of Central Chicago were raised between 4 and 14 feet using jacks in order to build its sewage system.
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  13. The most Eastern and Western and Northern state in the U.S. is Alaska.
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  14. All humans are 99.9% identical in their DNA.
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  15. Just 1 in 4233 U.S. high school football players actually make it to the NFL.
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  16. Alchemist Hennig Brand believed that he could distill gold from human urine. After stockpiling 1,500 gallons of urine and boiling it, he discovered phosphorus.
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  17. Dogs may look ashamed, but they can't feel guilt, experts say, just submission.
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  18. Some Chinese farmers use plastic molds to sculpt pears into the likeness of Buddhas.
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  19. You can swim in pools of beer in Austria.
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  20. In Japan, tipping a server is considered rude.
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  21. On July 23, 2012, the Earth had a near miss with a solar flare. Had it occurred a week earlier, it would've wiped out communication networks, GPS and electrical grids.
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  22. The first transaction of Bitcoins was to buy pizza for 10,000 Bitcoins, which later increased in value to over US$12 million.
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  23. The word "music" comes from the Muses, goddesses of the arts in Greek mythology.
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  24. On the night of the D-Day invasion, only 15% of paratroopers landed in the right place.
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  25. Recycling a single run of the Sunday New York Times would save 75,000 trees.
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  26. The average time it takes for a new habit to stick is 66 days.
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  27. Xenoglossophobia
    is the fear of foreign languages.
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  28. The first author of literature in the world, known by name, was the high-priestess of Ur, Enheduanna (2285 BCE).
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  29. The Vatican City drinks more wine than anywhere else in the world: 105 bottles per person per year.
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  30. Pandas are considered to be endangered, with about 1,600 in the wild and another few hundred in captivity.
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