1. The Illacme tobini is a millipede that has 414 legs, no eyes, 200 poison glands, and four penises.
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  2. One-third of Chinese women have never heard of tampons.
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  3. A woman's vaginal muscles can take up to 6 months to get back to their normal shape and size after childbirth.
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  4. George Washington was the only president who didn't represent a political party.
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  5. TV remotes are the dirtiest items in hotels, a study found.
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  6. In 2010, the Iranian government banned certain "decadent western hairstyles" including ponytails, mullets and elaborate spikes.
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  7. Starbucks donates 100%
    of its leftover food
    in partnership with the
    nonprofit Feeding America.
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  8. Buzz Aldrin received communion on the moon.
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  9. There are two U.S. states where the temperature has never surpassed 100 °F: Alaska and Hawaii.
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  10. The UN has estimated that as many as 5,000 honor killings occur every year.
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  11. The Pentagon has two times more bathrooms than needed because it was built during segregation.
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  12. A plane-crash dream is more likely to affect travel plans than either thinking about a crash or a government warning, a study says.
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  13. In 2015 a Chinese woman who was missing for a decade and presumed dead was found living in an internet cafe after playing games for 10 years.
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  14. President Richard Nixon pardoned a lieutenant, who gathered 70-80 Vietnamese civilians into a ditch and murdered them during the My Lai massacre, from his sentence of house arrest.
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  15. People ascrib more importance to pleasant dreams about a person they like than a person they don't like.
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  16. Chinese students can get 7 years in jail for cheating on exams.
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  17. In a bid to encourage Pandas to mate, Chinese scientists have experimented with "panda porn", explicit videos of pandas mating.
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  18. It takes about 0.2 seconds for your brain to understand the light that reaches your eye.
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  19. It's estimated that 93,000 Canadians live in the U.S. with expired visas, more than any other group of immigrant.
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  20. In 2007, a Delaware man filed suit against his doctors for a surgical mix-up that left him urinating feces and pooping urine.
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  21. If people worldwide switched to energy efficient lightbulbs the world would save US$120 billion annually.
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  22. Building an averaged size house (79 m2) out of Lego would cost almost 6 times more than building it from real bricks.
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  23. A man named Jack Ass tried to sue TV show and movie "Jackass" for US$10 million.
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  24. Louis Braille, the inventor of the reading and writing system for the blind, perfected it when he was just 15.
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  25. Your brain can recognize a sound 10 times faster than the blink of an eye.
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  26. Black Friday runs concurrent with "Buy Nothing Day," an international protest against consumerism with more than 65 nations globally participating.
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  27. One of North Korea's largest exports is giant statues of foreign dictators.
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  28. 80% of people living in rural areas in developing countries rely on traditional plant-based medicines for basic healthcare.
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  29. Up to 1.5 billion people still do not have access to reliable phone services.
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  30. AIDS is now the leading cause of death among adolescents in Africa.
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